Understanding the cultural and safeguarding needs of BME children in foster care
To enable foster carers and practitioners looking after BME children in foster care placements develop a stronger working knowledge of children from BME backgrounds. The aim is to enhance relationships between looked after children and those who care for them so placements can meet the cultural needs of children. Participants will work in syndi-cates/break-out rooms to examine case studies, enhancing their knowledge and confidence in looking after BME children in care placements.
Course Outcomes: By the end of the course, participants would have:
- Understood the key issue of culture, what it means to foster carers and how it can affect their ability to successfully look after the BME children in their care.
- Understood how some cultural and religious practices can affect the safeguarding and socialisation of children from BME backgrounds in their care.
- Identified the holistic care needs of children from BME backgrounds, and how to improve placement arrangements to meet those needs.
- Gained an increased skill level and confidence in looking after BME children in care placements.